Services, International Calls and Useful Numbers

Bank Timetable

Banks are open from Monday to Friday, from 8.15 a.m. to 1.20 p.m. and from 2.45 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

Shops Timetable

Shops are open from 9 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and from 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 pm, but in large cities they usually have no lunchtime break. Every locality offers tourist characteristic shops, markets with good bargains, and even boutiques featuring leading Italian fashion designers.

Post Offices Timetable

Post offices are open from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Saturday and the last day of the month from 8.30 a.m. 11.20 a.m. Postal offices are closed on Sunday. 

Documents and Exchange

The identity card for EU area people and passport for others countries. The Euro is the current exchange.

What to Buy

What to BuySicilian handicraft is very varied, and each area has its peculiarities. This is particularly evident when you look at the different types of ceramics to be found on the island. In Sicily there are big clay quarries from which the raw material is very easily extracted, and some places, like Santo Stefano di Camastra or Caltagirone, base their economy almost exclusively on the production of ceramics. Each of them has an ancient tradition as regards shapes and decoration, but beside these new decoration trends are emerging. In addition to vases, plates, cups of all kinds, shapes and sizes, one can buy lamps, candlesticks, tiles and figurines for cribs. In Erice you can buy delightful multicolored hand-woven carpets. More or less everywhere, there are embroidered objects, such as tablecloths, blankets, sheets, towels and napkins. Lastly, the classic souvenir is the little Sicilian little car and the traditional puppet, both available in all sizes.


Tipping is always appreciated but not mandatory. The amount depends on the service performed.

cardsInternational Phone Calls

Nearly everyone in Sicily owns a mobile phone. You can phone overseas from any private or public phone by dialing the country code preceded by 00 (e.g. to call Munich, in Germany, you must dial 00 followed by 49 - intemational code - by 89 - city code - and the subscribers number). You can make reverse charge calls or credit card calls by calling the operator in your own country by dialing a special number (for information call 176)


Letters and postcards to Italy and EU: 0,41 €. Letters and postcards to non-EU countries: 0,52 €. All charges indicated are for mail weighing less than 20g.

Emergency Numbers

Medical Emergencies 118, Carabinieri 112, Police Help 113, Fire Department 115, Road Assistance 116.